Golang configuration for Windows machine
Ensure your system was already loaded with the Golang. To check that open the command prompt and execute the command go version, it will show the installed Golang's version in the command prompt only if exist otherwise download it from the official site and install it manually.

- Visit the official website to download the Golang and install as per below instructions.
- Install the Golang in the following default directory C:\Go and you can move the Golang software to another location as per your wish.
- Check the Golang is updated the Environment Variable or not, by opening the command prompt and execute the command golang --version. It will show the installed Golang's version otherwise follow the below steps to setup the environment variable path.
Note: The Golang Installer will set the path variables while on installation time. If you are using a zip archieve, you have to setup the path variable manually with the golang's bin folder as well as the workspace folder paths.
Note: The Golang will support building executables for Different Architectures.